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Are you looking for Wheel Alignment in Plymouth?

Did you know your car's fuel efficiency can reduce by 10% due to misaligned wheels?

Additionally, problems with your car's axle geometry have an impact on the vehicle’s handling efficiency and increase the chances of accidents.

Therefore, you should opt for a regular wheel alignment check every 5000 to 6000 miles. Please be aware that wheel alignment is a rather complex procedure. As a result, you must choose a reliable workshop for this service.

We, OBD Tech Plymouth are one of the most trusted garages in and around your location. We offer wheel alignment Plymouth for almost every vehicle make and model at an affordable rate.

We only use the latest state-of-the-art sensors and cameras that increase the effectiveness andaccuracy of our service. As a result, we can finish the service in the shortest amount of time.

Tell-Tale Signs Of Misaligned Wheels

The following are some clear indications that your car's wheel angles need adjustment:

  • Juddering and “crooked” steering wheel
  • Uneven and frequent tyre tread wear
  • An unexpected rise in fuel usage
  • Low short braking efficiency
  • When driving straight, the car starts to drift to the side
  • Insufficient cornering accuracy

Do not wait to get our assistance with the wheel alignment of your vehicle. Ignoring these signs can have a serious impact on your and other road user’s safety.

Misaligned wheels can also cause damage to other vehicle parts, like the suspension system. Which can cost you a lot of money in the long run.

Why Choose Our Wheel Alignment Plymouth?

We are a dependable choice for all searches related to “wheel alignment near me”.

A Complete Examination Of Axle Geometry

Our professionals completely and precisely examine the wheel angles of your car using cutting-edge laser sensors and high-quality cameras.

We examine many angles, such as:

Camber: This alignment is created between your car's vertical axis and its wheels. When viewed from the front, it is the inside or outside tilt of your tyres.

Caster: This is the alignment of a car's steering axis and the vertical axis of its wheels. The side-view angle indicates how close or far away the steering axis of your car is from the wheel's vertical axis.

Toe: This is the angle between your car wheels and their longitudinal axis. When looking from a bird’s eye view, the optimal toe angle is the direction in which the tyres are still pointing.

Quick Re-Alignment Solutions

After doing a complete wheel alignment check, our specialists will use the latest software to identify the extent of deviation in the wheel angles. Following this, we will realign the wheels in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

You can book wheel alignment Plymouth service using the booking sections on this website, by calling us on 01752229819 or You can visit us directly at our workshop at 26 Stonehouse Street, Plymouth PL13PE.

If you have any questions or are interested in any of our other services, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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